S. T. has accepted UNCOMMON PLACES for publication!

I am happy to report that S. T. has read, highly praised and accepted my newest book, Uncommon Places, and hopes to have Derrick bring it out as a Hippocampus Press title probably late next year.  It may be that Mythos Books will bring out The Strange Dark One--Tales of Nyarlathotep, out next year as well, although I wou'd prefer that title to be releas'd in 2012.  I'm still taking this month off and doing no writing, but it's so weird--I tell myself, I'll just take some time off and relax, but then, when I'm not writing, not working on a book, I get all antsy and can't relax!  I feel restless, I get agitated, and it sucks death.  The only way, at such times, that I can relax is to begin work on a new book.  My work is my therapy, I guess.  So I am doing the mental work for the new book, studying Lovecraft and dreaming dark dreams.  I expect I'll begin writing in earnest, or trying to, when we return from the H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival.

I'll be riding down to Portland with S. T., and maybe by that time we will all have copies of I Am Providence, whut I ache to begin reading, as I know that it will aid my Muse.  Indeed, sometimes when I'm too weary to think like a writer, to concentrate or feel inspir'd, I will dip into my favourite portions of H. P. Lovecraft: A Life, & I am instantly rejuvenated as a Lovecraftian artist.  Hanging out with hundreds of Lovecraftians also gets my writing mind boiling and bubbling over, & when I get home from such events my pen flies like a wild thing.

I look forward to seeing some of you's soon in Portland!


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