Fantastic new art for THE TANGLED MUSE
The magnificent Swiss artist, Gwabryel, who has done so many wonderful works for Centipede Press, has delivered five new pieces of black & white art for the much-delay'd new edition of The Tangled Muse, art that will take the place of the works that had to be removed from the book. Shewn here is his piece for my prose poem sequence, "In Memoriam: Oscar Wilde," whut will see it's first publication in the Centipede Press omnibus -- now scheduled for a late January release. I am so thrill'd with this new artwork! I love his style, & feel it compliments the eeriness of my prose.
Happily, Gwabryel will also be working on new artwork, including a colour cover, for my forthcoming collection from Hippocampus Press, Uncommon Places. I spent yesterday with S. T. Joshi, & he is hopeful that my new Hippocampus book can be publish'd late next year, perhaps in time for WFC -- but isn't dead certain, as Hippocampus Press has so many titles that must come forth before mine own.
S. T. shew'd me the pre-publication copy of his periodical, Weird Fiction Review, that is forthcoming from Centipede Press, & it looks amazing! He also had lots and lots of news concerning his meeting with publishers at WFC and the future looks great for S. T.'s future as an editor of Mythos anthologies, &c &c! He is also ready to begin serious work on his biographical novel concerning H. P. Lovecraft!
Some Unknown Gulf of Night continues slowly but steadily, & I now have up to 7,000 words. I've not had time to work on it for a few days, but I hope to make up for that by writing 2,000 or 3,000 words today! It is proving an exciting and satisfying experiment in writing prose poems and vignettes inspir'd by Lovecraft's Fungi from Yuggoth yet retaining my own perverse & peculiar stamp. I hope to have ye majority of the thing completed before heading off for MythosCon.
Happily, Gwabryel will also be working on new artwork, including a colour cover, for my forthcoming collection from Hippocampus Press, Uncommon Places. I spent yesterday with S. T. Joshi, & he is hopeful that my new Hippocampus book can be publish'd late next year, perhaps in time for WFC -- but isn't dead certain, as Hippocampus Press has so many titles that must come forth before mine own.
S. T. shew'd me the pre-publication copy of his periodical, Weird Fiction Review, that is forthcoming from Centipede Press, & it looks amazing! He also had lots and lots of news concerning his meeting with publishers at WFC and the future looks great for S. T.'s future as an editor of Mythos anthologies, &c &c! He is also ready to begin serious work on his biographical novel concerning H. P. Lovecraft!
Some Unknown Gulf of Night continues slowly but steadily, & I now have up to 7,000 words. I've not had time to work on it for a few days, but I hope to make up for that by writing 2,000 or 3,000 words today! It is proving an exciting and satisfying experiment in writing prose poems and vignettes inspir'd by Lovecraft's Fungi from Yuggoth yet retaining my own perverse & peculiar stamp. I hope to have ye majority of the thing completed before heading off for MythosCon.
Excellent, I look forward to getting a copy.