Okay, so I'm writing a new story. I had told myself that my work this year was not going to be Lovecraftian. So, above is a photo of my buddy S. T. playing his violin for a public performance of Handel's Messiah. I've got to write a story based on this. (I miss'd ye performance, alas.) And--bloody hell!--all of my inspiration have Lovecraftian sources. It seems I cannot think, as a writer, outside ye Lovecraft box. First off, it's bleedin' S. T. Joshi--the world's leading Lovecraft scholar/editor. Then, I am reminded that Lovecraft porform'd on ye violin in public (S. T. has a way of doing things that Lovecraft did in his lifetime--the list of similarities wou'd be astonishing; just his byline alone is evidence of H. P. Lovecraft's influence, as it has influenced my own byline.) As HPL writes of his musical experience:
"My rhythmic tendencies led me into a love of melody, and I was forever whistling & humming in defiance of convention & good breeding. I was so exact in time & tune, & showed such a semi-professional precision & flourish in my crude attempts, that my plea for a violin was granted when I was seven years of age, & I was placed under the instruction of the best violin teacher for children in the city--Mrs. Wilhelm Nauck. For two years I made such progress that Mrs. Nauck was enthusiastic, & declared that I should adopt music as a career--BUT, all this time the tedium of practising had been wearing shockingly on my always sensitive nervous system. My 'career' extended until 1899, its summit being a public recital at which I played a solo from Mozart before an audience of considerable size." (Selected Letter I, pgs 29-30)
So there is my stories first "Lovecraft connection". Because of S. T.'s race, I also immediately thought of another musical incident, from when E'ch-Pi-El was living in Brroklyn, musical in an alien way.

I've played with the idea of my narrator meeting this man who is his neighbor in a seedy hotel, but that is too close to Lovecraft's actual experience. I plan on setting the story in Gershom, my mythical city of exiles, and so I am thinking of having the two gents meet in an abandoned abbey or cathedral, where the strange dark chappie goes to play his weird music in the moonlight that slips into the edifice from those places where the roof has caved in. But this, too, would be distinctly Lovecraftian. I cannot escape the fellow's taint.
Whatever I do, I must not describe ye fellow's violin playing as "eldritch"!!!
So I just need to work more diligently in not evoking Lovecraft's influence in the stories I am about to write--yet acknowledge that Grandpa's heavy influence will weigh always on whatever I compose.
Dear Mr Pugmire, Your words, cut like polished stones, reflect many facets, not the least of which is the shining influence of HPL. In the sphere of Decadent Lovecraftianism you have developed a voice truly your own. The selection of words and phrases used to call forth decay and elegance in absinthe-fuelled Sesqua Valley is your own creation and one we as your avid readers are happiest when indulging therein. Your words are your own and the creatures you evoke from them swirl our nightmare masquerades. Whichever direction you dare to lead, we will follow. May 2015 be a fruitful, peaceful, healthy and joyful year for you (I am particularly looking forward to adding "Unhallowed Places" to my beautiful copy of "Tangled Muse"). Thank you for your words and work. They are shining stars in the dark of this world's mediocrity. Brightest blessings always. G. ;-)=
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. Such comments help me want to move forward creatively. I cannot yet find my "groove" in this new writing effort, I am too distracted mentally, other things command my time and energy. But I am hopeful that soon I can forget the world and drown in morbid imagination.
DeleteI return to "Harlequin" by Phoebe Hesketh -
Delete'Beyond the junkshop of the mind
There lies a secret inner room
Here the hurt soul, unconfined,
Can breathe again and touch a bloom
Unbruised by grasping hands outside.'
I received my copy of "These Winged Ones" and I have to say this is one of your finest crafted stories. It delves into thee realm of Dream and No-Dream like no other I have read. Pete Rawlik's Introduction is marvellous - a superb tribute. Please, you must try and have this reprinted in 'Unhallowed Places'. You deserve praise. I also just picked up a copy of your Carl Jacobi booklet. Such a warm tribute... and wonderful artwork! ....also the awe-some Dreams of Lovecraftian Horror ... you have such a wealth of work. Beautiful stuff.
Look after yourself... you are a Child of thee Universe...
G ;-)=
Sirrah, perhaps it would help you steer in your new direction by absorbing anew some of the *other* influences along this path -- Oscar Wilde, perhaps, or Baudelaire? TURN OF THE SCREW? I sometimes find this helps when I am trying to evoke a particular spirit or mood.
ReplyDeleteI am at present studying ye lives and works of Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Gautier and Kafka, as I want to work on new tales of urban horror, set in my mythical city of poetic exiles. But there are too many damn distractions this week and I have not been able to work on new texts, and I am getting rather annoy'd. Hopefully, next week will see things grow less frantic and chaotic.
DeleteI cannot wait for this book to come out. I always look forward to adding to my collection of Pugmires. Reading your works are one of the pleasures of my life.