New Book Now Available
Ye new book is available for ordering from Ye deluxe edition has already sold out, but ye trade hardcover is quite handsome. The book includes stories written in collaboration with David and myself, and tales that we wrote individually. The title story is entirely set in Lovecraft's dreamlands and is a novella of 25,000 words. Another new collaboration, "The Stairway in the Crypt," is a lengthy novelette with overtures of Poe. "A Presence of the Past" is my 11,600 word "version" of H. P. Lovecraft's "The Lurking Fear," set in Sesqua Valley.
"The Stairway in the Crypt" (David & Wilum)
"Your Ivory Hollow" (Wilum)
"Among the Ghouls" (David)
"A Thousand Smokes" (Wilum)
"The Temple of the Worm" (David)
"An Eidolon of Filth" (Wilum)
"The Urns" (David)
"Through Sunset's Gate" (Wilum)
"The Recluse" (David)
"An Unearthly Awakening" (Wilum)
"The Stone of Ubbo-Sathla" (David)
"Within One Ruined Realm" (Wilum)
"In the Gulfs of Dream" (David & Wilum)
"A Dweller in Martian Darkness" (David)
"O Lad of Memory and Shadow" (Wilum)
"Mural" (David)
"Midnight Mushrumps" (Wilum)
"The Ghoul God's Bride" (David)
"Elder Instincts" (Wilum)
"The One Dark Thought of Nib-Z'gat" (David)
"Decent into Shadow and Light" (Wilum)
"The Dead City" (David)
"The Quickening of Ursula Sphinx" (Wilum)
"The Horror in the Library" (David)
"A Presence of the Past" (Wilum)
"The Grasses of Mahspe" (David)
Ye book is handsome indeed, as are all titles from Dark Renaissance Books, with solid binding, good paper and printing, and superb art by Erin Wells.

Just ordered mine!
ReplyDeleteOrdered and looking forward to reading this tome - appreciating the absinthe-infused art! G. ;-)=