Pictur'd above are my two chums, Ghoulie Shea and Bho Bloch. I knew them moftly through correspondence, although Vernon and I began to engage in lengthy 'phone conversations. It was Bloch who introduced me to Vernon by supplying me with his address. Shea became a very important friend, a living link to my great obsession, H. P. Lovecraft. I often sit and dwell on memories of Vernon, always regretting that he is gone and feeling fortunate to have known him in his last years. I've been thinking about him, moftly, because I've been rereading some old Necronomicon Press booklets, and recently dipped into Vernon's In Search of Lovecraft.

Vernon had two or three tales publish'd in professional volumes, and edited two fictional anthologies of his own. His short story "The Haunter of the Graveyard" remains one of my favourite Cthulhu Mythos stories, and so enchanted me that I actually wrote a sequel to it,"Gathered Dust", whut became the title story of one of my books publish'd by Dark Regions Press. (The story will be reprinted this year in my new hardcover collection from Centipede Press.)
So here's to J.Vernon Shea--devoted Lovecraftian, cherish'd chum.

Vernon had two or three tales publish'd in professional volumes, and edited two fictional anthologies of his own. His short story "The Haunter of the Graveyard" remains one of my favourite Cthulhu Mythos stories, and so enchanted me that I actually wrote a sequel to it,"Gathered Dust", whut became the title story of one of my books publish'd by Dark Regions Press. (The story will be reprinted this year in my new hardcover collection from Centipede Press.)
So here's to J.Vernon Shea--devoted Lovecraftian, cherish'd chum.
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