Almoft Half-way There

My sequence of prose-poems, vignettes & short-shorts, Some Unknown Gulf of Night, has reached 18,200 words.  I am working, to-night, on segment XX, whut is based on the sonnet "Night-Gaunts" in Lovecraft's Fungi from Yuggoth sequence.  Up until now I was feeling very inspir'd & ye writing came so easily; but now I feel a need to shift things a bit and go a different direction imaginatively.  The next few sonnets of Lovecraft's sequence, "Night-Gaunts," "Nyarlathotep," and "Azathoth" touch on aspects that have become central to ye Cthulhu Mythos,  I want my sequences inspir'd by them to echo that.  My idea now is to shift ye scene to the dreamlands and explore the dark beauty of that realm.  This shift hath slow'd me down, as I really need to study Lovecraft and think deeply about where my sequence is headed.  The reason I am here writing on my blog to-night is because I am stunk in ye writing of Gulf and don't know how to advance, so I've come for a bit of distraction.

I have many things I want yet to do with this work.  I am especially hopeful to use some segments so as to remember my wonderful week in Providence, Rhode Island, and I want to set one sequence in the Fleur-de-Lys Building at 7 Thomas Street.  My friends and I were actually allow'd inside the building for a wee tour, & thus I was able to roam the huge lower room (pictured above, where I pose reading from S. T.'s Penguin Classics edition, The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories, reading from the book's title story, in which the building wherein I am dwelling is featured) -- so I need to set a segment of my sequence inside that wondrous place.

The writing of this new work has been so satisfying artistically.  Best of all, it has return'd me to H. P. Lovecraft, my ever-Muse.  It gives me such happiness to know that I will be able to continue to delve into the Works of HPL & find therein never-ending inspiration.  Now that I am at segment XX, I am close to half-way completed with ye writing of this wee chapbook, which I hope will be around 40,000 words.  This feels really weird, to be so far along -- I've been kind of hypnotized while working on this thing, & Time has been a thing of naught.  My plan was to have the book completed before we head off for MythosCon in January -- but I am so far along & it's only ye 11th of Novembyr!  How wonderful it is, to get so lost within one's work that it flows & flows.  Of course, it is work, & there have been times when things would not express yemselves; but moftly it has come easily & swiftly.  I shall be very surpris'd if I cannot deliver ye polish to my publisher at end of year.


  1. Sit back and let the ideas flow. I'm sure this will make for a very interesting read.

  2. Good to hear! I'm looking forward to finally shaking your hand in Phoenix and thanking you in person for the wonderful stuff you write.

  3. I have greatly enjoyed every word, flow, and ripple in your poetry.


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