Being Publish'd is Such Ecstasy

I order'd my new book on Amazon, as that's the only way I know I'll get a copy quickly.  I am rather upset that three of the interior illustrations--the frontispiece, and the drawings for my opening and closing stories--are missing!  Hopefully this glitch will not be repeated in ye hardcover editions, or I will be one angry drag queen.  That magnificent cover painting by Santiago Caruso looks so amazingly spectacular in published form, a stunning cover by a genius artist!  The hardcover is scheduled for release on ye 30th--the exact same day that Arcane Wisdom Press is planning on bringing out Bohemians of Ssequa Valley.  Life can be so chaotic....

I will be getting the signature sheets for Bohemians of Sesqua Valley this week, and I like to get those out of my life real fast (I have a cat that likes to eat paper, and I have nightmares about getting up in ye morning to finally sign my sheets and find them namelessly gnawed), and then that book will go to ye printers.  Should be out in a few weeks.  Then (everything comes at once, in such a heady rush) it's off to Portland for The H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival & Cthulhu Con, where I plan on being as active as possible despite the pain that walking brings to my rotten left foot.  All of this stuff is reawakening my Muse, I can feel that old Lovecraftian thrill come back to life, that especial thrill that ushers in periods of non-stop writing.  At least I hope that's what I'm beginning to experience.  My brain boils with ideas for future books.


  1. Glad to hear your muse is awakening. The upcoming Portland event should really set your brain aboiling.


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