ENOCH COFFIN trade pb at Amazon this week!

Although ye hardcover editions of Encounters with Enoch Coffin won't be ready until month's end, Dark Regions Press hopes to get ye unsign'd, limitless trade paperback edition available at Amazon by the end of this week or beginning of next.  For those of ye who cannot afford an expensive limited edition hardcover, the trade pb has all of the stories and all of the interior illustrations.  I'm very very happy to know that an affordable edition of the book will be available so quickly.

Ye booke is now also available at Amazon UK and Amazon France.  There is something very appealing to me to know that my books are selling in the land of Baudelaire.  I have order'd a copy of the book from Amazon here in ye States, as that is usually the fastest way for me to get my own hot hands onto a copy--publishers send them everywhere else first, so it seems.  My copy has shipped, and Amazon is here in Seattle, so hopefully I will get my copy to-morrow and be able to shew it on a new YouTube vlog, which I will then post here.  It is very queer for a trade pb edition to be publish'd before the fancy expensive limited hardcover edition.  I don't mind, because I like having an affordable copy available to those who don't have ye funds for an expensive hardcover; but I hope that those who have order'd the hardcover don't feel ripped-off that their edition isn't the first available, as is traditionally ye case.  


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