SEARCHERS AFTER HORROR, edited by S. T. for Fedogan & Bremer, is at ye printers!!!  I don't know if the publisher will have a table in ye dealer's room at The H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival and CthulhuCon in April, but it wou'd be swell to see the book selling there.  Dennis will have a table at this year's World Horror Convention.  The book is not a Lovecraftian anthology, despite takingits title from Lovecraft's story, "The Picture in the House."  Ye Contents be:

Introduction, S. T. Joshi
"The Girl Between the Slats," by Michael Aronovitz
"Miranda's Tree," by Hannes Bok
"The Shadow of Heaven," by Jason V Brock
"At Lorn Hall," by Ramsey Campbell
"The Reeds," by Gary Fry
"The Patter of Tiny Feet," by Richard Gavin
"Willie the Protector," by Lois H. Gresh
"The Sculptures in the House," by John D. Haefele
"Blind Fish," by Caitlin R. Kiernan
"Flesh and Bone," by Nancy Kilpatrick
"Exit Through the Gift Shop," by Nick Mamatas
"An Element of Nightmare," by W. H. Pugmire
"Dark Equinox," by Ann K. Schwader
"Going to Ground," by Darrell Schweitzer
"At Home with Azathoth," by John Shirley
"Et in Arcadia Ego," by Brian Stapleford
"The Beautiful Fog, Ascending," by Simon Strantzas
"Iced In," by Melanie Tem
"Crawldaddies," by Steve Rasnic Tem
"Three Dreams of Ys," by Jonathan Thomas
"Ice Fishing," by Donald Tyson.

I didn't read the pdf file when it was sent for proofing as I wanted to read it as a book.  Fedongan & Bremer are dedicated to publishing quality hardcover editions.  Can't wait!!!  I consider my own tale one of my finest stories of Sesqua Valley. 


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