Fedogan & Bremer

I am, at last, publish'd in a Fedogan & Bremer book!  I love that press so much, and ever since Arkham House went inactive, I kinda thought of F&B as a new Arkham House.  Thus it seems more than fitting that S. T. Joshi should continue the fabulous Arkham House tradition of publishing new anthologies of original weird fiction.  Searchers After Horror looks fantastic.  The interior illustrations by Rodger Gerberding really enhance the handsome volume.  This book is a thing of quality, and of authentic weird richness.  I've listed its Contents in a blog below, but want again to post a link to the publisher so that you may order the book yourself -- www.fedoganandbremer.com

I did, alas, find two typos in my tale, and they both originate from my typed Microsoft Word doc, so it's my fault.  I thought I had totally proofed that story when S. T. sent us ye file.  Now, as much as I love and admire S. T., I have qualms about some of his editorial practices--the main one being his attitude, which I only just discover'd, about proofing.  Black Wings III is a fantastic anthology, but it is riddled with a wretched amount of misprints.  When I chided S. T. about this, his defense was that he had sent the proofs to all of the writers and it was our job to see that our text was error-free.  To this I say "nay."  If you are the editor of a book, if your name is on the cover, is should be one of your duties to also proof that anthology.  Because you will get the blame, along with the publisher, for the typos therein.  If my name was on a book as its editor, I would want very much to go over all of the stories carefully in final proof to make certain that this book is error-free.

Anyway, it's always great to sell a story to a Joshi anthology, and I am thrill'd to be in this one.  Below is ye illustration to my story.


  1. Super illustration! Must get that book too! Yay for the weird! Sinking into the depths of the Wyrd Beyond.... you know, I think the odd fluff in a book makes the whole process more beautiful for being slightly flawed - after all, as Pope said in 'On Criticism' “To err is human; to forgive, divine.” - we are all divine humans.... G ;-)=

  2. Fedogan & Bremer indeed produce beautiful books!

  3. Chris Jarocha-ErnstApril 17, 2014 at 5:46 AM

    The responsibility for typos lies with both author and editor. Authors must make sure that the submitted text is correct as intended. Spell-checkers may catch some typos but not homophones. Editors must make sure no new typos are introduced in the editing/layout process.


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