Just Arriv'd
My contributor's copy arriv'd in ye poft this after-noon, & I was delighted to see it--even though I rue that Titan Books felt ye need to alter the book's title and drag in the name "Cthulhu", a practice of modern publishers who feel (perhaps rightly) that having Cthulhu in a book title helps to sell books. It's ironic, because moft of these new Lovecraftian anthologies are edited by persons who do not want stories about Cthulhu in their anthologies and say so in ye guidelines. I confes that I didn't read all of this third volume when it came out inhardcover--because that edition was riddled with so many misprints that I got annoy'd and stopped reading. I think Caitlin's story, in ye hardcover edition, had something like 16 or 18 errors!! So I am reading ye entire book anew, & hoping that Titan has hired skilled proofreaders to go over ye texts.
I love ye BLACK WINGS series and am especially looking forward to ye publication (hopefully this month, definitely next month) of volume IV, for which I wrote a new tale set in Lovecraft's Kingsport. I usually wait & read the stories when ye book is publish'd as hardcover--but when S. T. sent us the pdf of BLACK WINGS IV so that we cou'd go over our stories and correct any errors, I found myself reading the other tales as well--and they so fascinated & enthrall'd me that I cou;d not stop! It is a magnificent anthology. After BLACK WINGS V (for which I wrote a story set in Arkham, "In Blackness Etched, My Name"), S. T. plans to take a break from editing Lovecraftian anthologies and will work on a general horror anthology. I assume that he intends the book to contain classic reprints as well as original work, & I look forward to seeing what stories he includes.
We also have a number of Lovecraftian books coming from PS Publishing soon, including Darrell Schweitzer;s anthology of historical Mythos fiction, That Is Not Dead, for which I have written a tale set in Seattle after the fire of 1889. This book shou'd be out any day nigh. Also soon to be publish'd by PS Publishing are ye next three volumes in their Lovecraft Illustrated series; & later this year they'll be bringing out Innsmouth Nightmares, edited by Lois Gresh, for which I scribbled a new yarn, "The Imps of Innsmouth".
Paula Guran will bequeath unto us two new Mythos anthologies this year--New Cthulhu II, in which ye tales will be moftly reprints, and The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu, for which I have written a new story, "A Shadow of Thine Own Design". I think it is safe to say that we have enter'd a new Golden Age of Mythos anthologies!
Thee time in which HPL and his circle were writing was not a happy time politically, economically and socially, medical facilities were not what they are now, but I do wish I was living then for the slower pace and simplicity that made life easier. This is indeed our own 'Golden Age' for Horror and Lovecraftian Horror in particular not only survives but thrives on the sense of alienation and cosmic insignificance of this sad human frame. Melancholic has always been our realm, enslavement our lot. Writers like Lovecraft, Smith, Bierce, all knew where we stood in the cosmos and the terror attendant there. Modern writers such as your goodself, Thomas Ligotti, Caitlin Kiernan, Ramsey Campbell, David Schow et alia infinitum are carrying the torch to guide us through the dark places of our tortured aeon. We see further by stanging on the shoulders of giants. Black Wings is a great series, I agree Cthulhu's name should be left off the title though. Too specific. I am also enjoying the resurgent series Weird Shadows over Innsmouth. I know Caitlin Kiernan (an amazing writer - I haven't been the same since reading "The Drowning Girl") has a number of stories therein. The Golden Age of Mythos... sounds like an ancient Greek legend! You are right, there is a lot of good work 'out there'. G ;-)=