new BLACK WINGS VI hardcover!!
Yes, my ducks, ye newest volume of S. T.'s wonderful series, Black Wings, has just been publish'd in hardcover by PS Publishing in England. It contains my story, "To Move Beneath Autumnal Oaks," whut I originally penned for an anthology called Autumn Cthulhu, from which it was rejected. This is an instance in which rejection is a step up, because instead of appearing in that paperback volume the story will now see hardcover publication, and those hardcover editions from PS Publishing are beautiful. Also exciting for me is that this is one of ye few times when a Sesqua Valley story has appear'd in a hardcover volume. Yeehaw! To order ye volume, go to
Of course, this new story will be included in ye paperback edition of the book when that is publish'd by Titan Books, and that will certainly be available in ye States. And I am thrill'd to learn that S. T. has decided to include "To Move Beneath Autumnal Oaks" in his forthcoming paperback anthology, The Best of Black Wings!!
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